

We understand that your call to Christian service requires more than head knowledge.

Our courses — full-time and part-time — seek to develop understanding and skills in four key areas:

Biblical Theology
Jigsaw piece entitled Bible

Engage with the big picture of the Bible story and discover where the individual books fit into the revelation of God’s character and plan for his creation. An overview of both Old and New Testaments and a detailed study of some of the individual biblical books, ensuring that you know and can use God’s Word well.

Study the message of the Bible and its application to help inform your thinking, deepen your faith and challenge your approach to Christian discipleship.



Systematic Theology
jigsaw piece entitled Doctrine

Study the timeless truths of the Christian faith in their biblical and historical context. Allow the theology that underpins the gospel to have a lasting and practical impact in your Christian life.

Embark on a detailed study of the Bible’s teaching on the great doctrines of the Christian faith, providing the vital doctrinal framework for Christian belief and practice – God, Christ, The Holy Spirit, Scripture, The Atonement, The Church, Eschatology, Sin, Sanctification, Conversion, Revival.



Practical Theology

jigsaw piece entitled practical


Take truths distilled in the classroom onto the streets through evangelism workshops, mission placements, and summer camps.

• Learn to live, love and serve in community at your placement church.
• Grow in the art of grace and build lasting friendships through sharing life in the college community.

A wide range of mentored opportunities are provided, such as Systematic Bible Reading, Scripture Memorisation, Leading in College Worship, Preaching and Speaking at Church Meetings, Evangelism, Children’s Clubs.


Applied Theology
jigsaw piece entitled applied theology

Bring the Bible and belief into the everyday world of Christian ministry by exploring and developing essential skills for teaching, preaching, counselling and leading. Learn how biblical truth is applied in Church History, Hermeneutics and Homiletics, Evangelism, Mission, Leadership, Apologetics, Pastoral Care and Evangelistic Counselling.

• Dig deep into the teachings of Christ, through a process of spiritual formation and discipleship.
• Unearth timeless insights for fruitful ministry.
• Discover the basis of a counter-cultural life following Jesus’ example.