Fees (tuition only): £3,448 (for 2024/25 academic year)
Fees (including single student accommodation): £5,800 (for 2024/25 academic year)
We have a small number of flats available for married couples to rent at a reduced rate. If a College flat is not available, then students are responsible for arranging their own accommodation.
Fees: £1,150 (for 2024/25 academic year)*
*This includes tuition, refreshments, and a light lunch.
Gap Year Student (including single accommodation): £5,800
Gap Year Auditor (including single accommodation): £5,257
Gap Year Students complete the full Certificate in Applied Theology course. Gap Year Auditors fully participate in classes and placements, but are not required to complete assignments or exams (auditors will not receive the Certificate in Applied Theology).
30-40 hour courses: £325
10 hour courses: £110
All courses can be audited with a 20% discount.
For details of upcoming modules, see: fmbiblecollege.org.uk/modules
£75 for course (via email).